Dimension & Display Options
View Options
Show Reference Lines - Toggle visibility of reference lines
Member Label options - Choose how to label Webs and all other member types
Show Field-Installed Members - Toggle visibility of field-installed members
Show Plates - Toggle visibility of plates
Show Plate Names - Choose whether to show the names of each plate in its label
Show Plate Details - Choose what additional information to show in plate labels
Color By - Choose whether or not to color similar members and what criteria to use for coloring
Worst Capacity - All Load Cases - Color component objects that have been analyzed according to their highest capacity check result
Lumber Properties - Color the component's members based on their material types (i.e. lumber grade and treatment type)
Lumber Geometry - Color the component's members based on their shapes (i.e. lumber size and cuts)
No Coloring - Show the default colors for all members
Dimension Snaps - Toggle midline, centroid, intersection, and vertex snaps for Dimension Mode
Dimension Detail
Minimal includes dimensions for the overall length, chases, and end conditions
General includes includes dimensions for the overall length and splices for all trusses, plus chases and end conditions for feature pattern trusses
Detailed includes a dimension for every member and feature of the component
Dimension Labels - Choose whether to see cumulative dimension values, independent dimension values or both at once
Show Pitch - Choose whether to label top chords with their pitches
Show selected member's cut angles - Choose whether to display the cut angles at the end of a member when it is selected
Show selected member's length - Choose whether to display a member's length next to the member when it is selected
Last updated