Share Trusses and Request Seals or Repairs

Step 1 - Click the Share button in the Header to open the Create Shared Component Set Tool

Step 2 - Select Components and Context to Share

Use the dialog to select the components to be shared. Additionally, you can include the project snapshot (hierarchy and layout).


A component must be analyzed before it can be shared.

Step 3 - Choose Sharing Method

Click the CREATE SHARED COMPONENT SET button to progress to the next dialog and choose your preferred sharing method.

Get a link to share and view the component set in Paragon Design.


Download design drawings with smart links and QR codes.

Send someone a link to view the components and layout.

Request Seal/Repair

Ask a professional engineer to repair or seal these components.


As Engineers join our Engineering Network, they can elect to be visible in this dialog; otherwise, an email of your choice can be entered here.

Last updated