Dimension Options
Last updated
Last updated
This feature allows you to toggle midline, centroid, intersection, and vertex snaps for Dimension Mode.
This feature has 3 settings: Minimal, General and Detailed.
Minimal includes dimensions for the overall length, chases, and end conditions
General includes includes dimensions for the overall length, chases, end conditions, and splices
Detailed includes a dimension for every member and feature of the component
Choose whether to see cumulative dimension values, independent dimension values or both at once
This feature is toggled on by default and will show the pitch of each top chord next to it.
This feature is on by default and will display the cut angles of a member when it is selected in the scene.
Cut angles are only shown when a single member is selected at a time.
This feature is on by default and will display the length of a member when it is selected.
Length is only displayed for a single member at a time. If multiple members are selected, no length information will be shown.