Shared Component Sets
What is a Shared Component Set?
A Shared Component Set is a set of components from a project that you can share with anyone. The components you share are View-Only, meaning they cannot be edited by those with whom you share them. You also have the option to share the entire layout.
Any Truss Design Drawings (TDDs) you download will also include both links to the component set and a QR code that can be scanned by mobile devices. Note that there is a separate link for each component in the set, but you can always get to the other components in the set from any one component.
What can I do with a Shared Component Set that has been shared with me?
Create a Bid for the component set using custom pricing or download Material Details as a PDF or CSV for a complete list of the materials used in the components.
Download whatever files you need to build the components in your shop:
Component schematics
Cut Sheets
QC files
Lumber and Plate Pick Lists
Machinery and laser files: TRE, TRS, TPS etc.
View all of the key information about the components (and the layout, if included):
Loading information
Dimensions (use the Dimension Mode tool to add new ones)
Carried components
Plate types and sizes
Lumber species, grades, and sizes
Much more!
What if I change something about a component I've shared?
Anyone viewing the version of the component you shared will be notified that something has changed about it, but they'll continue seeing the shared version. If you want to send them the updated version, you can either share just the updated truss with them (via the Share button or a TDD) or share a new component set with them if you want the components to remain as a set.
Last updated