Ceiling Trays
Last updated
Last updated
+ Create
button or right-click in empty space and select Ceiling Tray
You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Q + T
to quickly begin inserting a Ceiling Tray .
, Length
, Bottom Elevation
, and Top Elevation
to define the ceiling tray dimensionsNote
The tray will not appear in the scene until a position is selected.
Use your mouse to pick a position in the scene. Once you've selected your coordinates, you can use the Horizontal/Vertical Anchor controls to move the tray around this position.
Use Work Lines to help you define a basepoint for your Tray
Once defined and positioned, click INSERT
to finalize the tray.
To delete a ceiling tray right-click it in the scene and choose Delete Tray
or select it in the Navigation Subpanel
and click the delete button.