
Show Analog Model - Display the truss's Analog Model generated for the analysis checks.

Show Analog Panels - Toggle whether analog panels are shown on top of the analog model.

Display Forces Options - Choose from a list of forces to display on the component for a specific load case. Choose a specific load case first from the list of load cases in the panel.

  • Member Deflection Curves: An exaggerated visual that indicates the direction and relative magnitude of bending for each member

  • Link Deflection Curves Actual: View the deflection curve of each link with the total deflection distance reported next to each link

  • Force Proof: Depicts the total linear and moment forces in each link and around each joint in addition to their reactions to demonstrate how they balance out

  • Bearing Reactions: Depicts the magnitude and direction of the net force at each bearing

  • Link End Forces Axial and Transverse: Displays the magnitude and direction of the forces at each link end in their local reference frames

  • Link End Forces-Global: Displays the magnitude and direction of the forces at each link end in the reference frame of the component

  • Moment Curves: Depicts the magnitude and direction of moment transfer for each analog link. The magnitude is displayed next to each link

  • Plating Forces: Depicts the magnitudes and directions of all forces resisted by each plate

  • Shear Curves: Curves depicting the net shear force for each analog link. The magnitude and direction of the net shear force is displayed next to each link

Show Loads - Toggle the visibility of loads for the selected load case.

  • There are distinct visuals for distributed and point loads

  • The length of the arrow is scaled according to the relative magnitude of the load

  • The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the load

  • The tip of the arrow is located near where each load is applied

    • If multiple loads are applied at the same location, their visuals are stacked on top of one another instead of overlaying them

Boundary condition: A boundary condition describes how an analog joint transfers force or moment with an external connection. Most commonly, the external connection is a bearing support.

Unrestrained: An analog joint that is not considered subject to external reactions.

Restrained: An analog joint that transfers either force or moment between the truss and external connections.

Pinned: A restrained joint that transfers force in all directions.

Horizontal Roller: A restrained joint that transfers force vertically, but not horizontally.

Vertical Roller: A restrained joint that transfers force horizontally, but not vertically.

Fixed: A restrained joint that transfers moment and force in all directions.

Last updated