Make Gable

Gabling a profile truss

Step 1 - Click the Edit Truss icon and choose Make Gable

Step 2 - Adjust Stud Spacingand Studding Direction

Step 3 - Apply your changes with the Make Gable button

Making a Profile truss a Structural Gable

Step 1 - Click the Edit Truss icon and choose Adjust Span

Step 2 - Click the Structural Gable check box


Any manual webbing changes you have previously made will be preserved when turning on Structural Gable

Step 3 - Adjust Stud Spacing and Studding Direction

Step 4 - Apply your changes with the Make Gable button

Gabling a Feature Pattern truss

The steps for gabling a feature pattern truss with this tool are the same as for a profile truss.

Making a Feature Pattern a Structural Gable

The steps for making a feature pattern truss a structural gable are the same as for a profile truss.

Last updated