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The Release Notes notification will appear when a version update has relevant release notes. New notes will appear automatically but can be dismissed. Until the notes are marked as read, the notification will remain and can be clicked to reveal the release notes.
This tool allows you to select or search for a project as well as create a new one. Go here for instructions on how to create projects. Additionally, you can view and save sample projects for ideas and experimentation.
The name of your project will appear here.
This menu contains Project Level Load, Analysis, Materials, and Feature Pattern Settings. You can learn how to modify these settings here.
This menu contains shortcuts to Create Component Design, Edit Properties, Project Settings, Locking Options, Create an Estimate, and Open Other Project. Additionally, you can Analyze All Components in the project or Design All Truss Envelopes.
If a project-wide change has been made, like updating a code, this button can automate the analysis of all trusses within the project.
This tool automatically generates component designs for all empty Truss Envelopes in a layout.
This opens the Create Shared Component Set
You can use the Create Estimate tool to quickly create a CSV or PDF using existing or custom pricing for materials.
This tool allows you to upload supported file formats.
This opens a dropdown menu with links to Docs (you are here!), feedback forms, usage statistics, user settings, and more.