Actions Toolbar

Use this tool to create a component and its relevant parts.

Use this tool to analyze the selected component.

Analysis Options

This menu allows you to specify whether or not to run a Detailed Analysis or Plate Unplated Joints.


Plate Unplated Joints is enabled by default. To turn this off, Lock Plating must be enabled.


This tool allows you to download or export many different file types.

Analysis and History

This button opens the Analysis and History Subpanel in the Left Sidebar. Learn how to run and view analysis here.

Analysis and History Subpanel

This subpanel can be used to view analyzed versions of a truss, revert changes, and view load cases and analysis results.


This button opens the Notifications Subpanel in the Left Sidebar.

Truss Settings

This menu gives access to Load Settings, Materials Settings, and Analysis Settings. Learn more about changing these settings here.

Lock Options

This tool allows you to toggle Lock Loading, Lock Plating, and Lock Lumber.

Duplicate Truss

This tool will create an unanalyzed duplicate of the selected truss.

Edit Truss

This menu allows you to modify many elements of the selected component. For more information on how to use these tools go here.

Undo & Redo

These buttons allow you to undo and redo changes.

Last updated