Project and Component Settings
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Load Settings are used to generate the set of Load Cases for which the component should be analyzed. They will typically be set at the Project level, and components will inherit those settings. An individual component's load settings can be modified where they differ from the rest of the project.
Certain load settings like Wind, Roof Live, and Dead are only available for Roof Components, while others, like Floor Live and Dead, are only available for Floor Components. Those settings will only affect components of the corresponding type.
Analysis Settings can affect the parameters used in analysis checks. Examples include deflection limits, repetitive member increase factor, and chord bracing settings.
Material Settings are the lists of materials available for designing and the default material for each member type. Each component has a list of lumber and a list of plates, which will affect things like what materials are considered during Upgrade and Analyze and the material you can manually choose for existing members and plates.
The above settings can be set for a single component or an entire project. Any settings made at the component level will override any project-level settings for that specific component. Project settings are accessed via the Project Settings
button in the Header
and component settings are accessed via the Truss Settings
button in the Action Toolbar
Use to manage your material lists.