Lumber List
A combination of Lumber Species, Treatment Types, heights, widths, and stock lengths. Lumber Lists are selectable when creating components in Paragon Design.
Lumber Set
A group of lumber that matches the desired properties.
Species - The lumber species
Grade - The lumber grade
Treatment Type - The type of treatment applied to the lumber
Dimension 1 - Either the thickness or width of the lumber in inches, whichever you didn't use for Dimension 2
Dimension 2 - Either the thickness or width of the lumber in inches, whichever you didn't use for Dimension 1
Stock Lengths - The possible lengths for a stock unit of this Lumber Type
Untreated Number 2 2x4 Southern Pine with stock lengths from 1'-10' is an example of a lumber set
Plate List
A list of plates. Each plate has a type and a size.
Type - The unique identifier for the plate, which typically indicates its manufacturer, gauge, and grade
Size - The dimensions of the plate in inches in the form "length x width"
Archived Material List
It is possible to archive both Lumber Lists and Plate pairs.
When you archive a material list, components added when that list was still active will still use the archived materials. You need to manually update the lists for said projects and components.
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