Click on the generated API key to copy it to your clipboard. Paste it somewhere secure, so that you can use it authenticate your requests. Note that this API key has the same privileges and access as your normal Paragon account, so keep it as secure as you would a password. There is no way to access it again in Paragon after you've generated it, so if you lose it, you'll have to create a new key.
Create a project
Run the following cURL command to create a project with the name "Test API Project." Replace<YOUR-TOKEN> with the API key you generated in the last step.
If successful, it should respond with the Project JSON model:
{"guid":"75564bdf-0a00-4f62-9eb9-b92e272d8a08","name":"Test API Project"}
Use the GUID from the response data to load the project in Design. The URL to load the project is<project-guid>, where <project-guid> is the GUID from the response data. You should see an empty project with "Test API Project" in the header bar.
Create a truss
Run the following cURL command to create a truss within the project we created in the last step. Replace {project-guid} with the project GUID generated in the last step and replace<YOUR-TOKEN> with your API key.
Refresh the project page in your browser. You should now see a truss in the project.
Analyze a truss
Run the following cURL command to upgrade and analyze the truss created in the last step. Replace {truss-guid} with the truss GUID generated in the last step and replace<YOUR-TOKEN> with your API key.
curl '{truss-guid}/upgradeAndAnalyze' \
--header 'Authorization: JWT <YOUR-TOKEN>' \
--request POST
If successful, it should respond with an AnalysisSet JSON model:
Refresh the project page in your project page in your browser. You should now see that the truss' label is green in the left sidebar and that the bottom chord has been upgraded from No. 2 to No. 1 lumber in order to pass analysis.